Brakes are classic wear parts on every vehicle. On-time replacement is essential for road safety. Especially in older cars, you may be able to replace the brake discs and linings with some knowledge and skill.
To prevent the brake fluid from leaking, simply loosen and tighten the brake lines using a six-point socket, extension, or line wrench. Use a normal wrench here to prevent injuring the head of the bolt that attaches the hose. After that, the caliper mounting bolts should be loosened and removed.
Compared to a workshop visit, you can save a triple-digit amount. So, please pay special attention to maintenance to keep you safe.
Here is an article dedicated to brake linings. You will know everything about their role, maintenance, and how to remove the brake line from the caliper without losing fluid!
What is a Brake Lining?
Very simply, the brake lining is what makes your car slow or stop. Indeed, the linings rub the brake discs or drums when you generate the braking action.
Through this, the kinetic energy of your car is transformed into calorific energy (action combustion). The linings thus allow the contact between the pads and the brake discs not to be too violent.
What Materials are the Brake Linings Made of?
The materials that make up the brake linings must be able to withstand extreme conditions such as high heat during friction. It is, therefore, necessary that the linings are stable and resistant to heat. It shouldn’t be too hard so as not to damage the discs and the drums.
To fulfill these conditions, the primary materials used are:
- Ceramic particles,
- Graphite,
- Fibers,
- Copper and its alloys, and
- Abrasives.
How to Remove Brake Line from Caliper without Losing Fluid?
A braking system in good condition is essential to rely on fast and precise braking in every traffic situation. Therefore, changing the linings and discs should only be done with the necessary knowledge in the field.
Step One: Raise the vehicle and remove the wheels.
All parts of a brake system must always be changed in pairs since otherwise, the brakes could act unilaterally. For all work steps, it is necessary to lift the vehicle, in the best case using a lifting platform.
It is also possible to use a classic lifting jack. However, even the replacement of the lining and brake discs in pairs is more complicated.
First, remove the wheel, after which the brake parts are to be replaced. Proceed as if you intended to change a wheel.
After removing the brake calipers are visible. They are fixed with retaining clamps and have dust caps. Remove the caps and then loosen the slide bolts covered by the dust caps with a ratchet.
To remove the brake calipers, the pistons must be retracted with the corresponding repositioning kit. This can cause problems with the electronic system in this state.
The electronic parking brake should be activated. In this case, it is necessary to intervene in the automated system to set the service or repair mode.
Step Two: Remove the linings from the released brake calipers
When the brake calipers are free, you can remove the brake linings. Today, vehicles also have brackets for brake linings that are in direct contact with the brake disc.
With the appropriate screwdriver, you can loosen its fixing points. The brake discs can then be removed together with the brackets from the wheel hub. This has to be checked individually.
Even if you want to fit new brake linings and discs, the other parts of the brake system are not changed. After disassembly, it is therefore recommended that you clean and thoroughly treat the brake to function correctly.
In addition to the wheel hubs, you should also thoroughly clean the calipers and brake, lining holders. For embedded dirt, it is recommended to use a small metal brush.
For the rest, you will find special brake cleaners in the specialized trade.
What are the Symptoms of a Worn Brake Lining?
It is difficult to determine if it is the lining that is really at issue. Specific symptoms can alert you to the condition of your brakes. You will have to go to a garage to determine where the problem comes from:
- You hear screeching noises when you brake
- Your braking is harder than usual.
- Premature wear of your brakes
- Noises even when you’re not braking
If you observe any of these symptoms, do not wait and go to a garage. Poor maintenance of your tires can have severe consequences on your driving and your safety.
What are the Different Types of Wear on the Brake Linings?
If your pads are too damaged, they will start to crumble. This crumbling will result in faster wear of the brake pads and discs. To be considered in good condition, the brake linings must be at least 2mm thick.
The only way to check it is to check the seals visually. To access it, you will have to disassemble the wheel, turn it to access the caliper, and then the brake pads.
Therefore the linings. Once you have the filling in front of you, here are the different faults that you can see.
The packing has come loose from the pad:
This can be due to several problems such as the presence of rust between the packing and the pad, improper mounting of the pads, and thermal or mechanical overload.
Streaks on the trim
This is probably linked to the presence of dust and dirt from the external elements.
The edges of the lining are broken
The mounting of the lining was poorly done. The brake pads are defective. There is a mechanical or thermal overload.
Vitrification of the brake lining
This probably comes from an overload of the brake pads or if you brake too long by pressing the pedal lightly.
Contamination of the brake lining
Grease or oil has settled on the surface. This appears if the linings are not appropriately maintained. If the transmission shaft seals are defective or if there is a brake fluid leak.
Final Words
If you decide to change the brakes yourself for financial reasons, be careful. Reduced performance may occur, and the vehicle no longer brakes appropriately. The probability of having an accident increases and the insurance may refuse to cover the expenses.
Therefore, only make the change if you can do it properly and have the necessary experience. Usually, we recommend consulting an expert in these critical cases. But it doesn’t hurt to learn how to remove the brake line from the caliper without losing fluid.